
Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Through a spiritual lifestyle, we can manifest our inner positivity and energy”

               You have the possibility to manifest ‘Energy’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Incorporating meditation and prayer into your daily routine is an integral part of a spiritual lifestyle”

                 You have the possibility to ‘Meditate and Pray’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle is deeply connected with the mind and soul, providing a new perspective on life”

                   You have the possibility to have a ‘New Perspective’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual lifestyle is characterized by simplicity and balance, which lead to inner peace”

                      You have the possibility to be ‘Simple and Balanced’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Practice gratitude for the blessings in your life, for it is the gateway to abundance and joy”

                   You have the possibility of ‘Abundance’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“As you cultivate inner peace amidst the unrest of the world, you will become a beacon of light for others ”

                     You have the possibility gain ‘Inner Peace’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and achievement, and trust in the unfolding of life’s mysteries”

                       You have the possibility of ‘Trusting Life’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Maintaining equal feelings towards oneself and others is peace itself”

                   You have the possibility to have ‘Peace’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Find joy in the journey of soul, for it is not the destination alone but also the path itself that holds true meaning”

       You have the possibility of a ‘Blissful Journey’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Live with determination and purpose, and let your actions be a reflection of your deepest values”

           You have the possibility to do ‘Valuable’ work


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Paying attention to the rhythm generates vibrations in the body and Meditating on rhythm makes the soul Blissful”

             You have the possibility to make the ‘Soul Blissful’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Understand the signals of your soul, for they contain the wisdom of the universe”

                You have the possibility to gain ‘Wisdom’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Cultivate your mind, intellect and body with love and trust; they are the carriers of your soul”

             You have the possibility for ‘Love and Trust’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Seek simplicity in complex world, for it is in simplicity that true beauty and wisdom reside”

           You have the possibility to be ‘Simple’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Have faith in the divine timing of the universe and surrender to the flow of life”

             You have the possibility to ‘Surrender’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Accept change, it is the evolution and entry door to new beginning”

             You have the possibility of ’New Beginning’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who finds peace within spreads it outside also”

               You have the possibility to spread ‘Peace’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spirituality is breaking self-imposed barriers to fly high.”                                                                                                                                                       You have the possibility to be ‘Spiritual’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Perceive failure as a learning and accept it for greater knowledge and understanding for self.”                                

               You have the possibility to ‘Accept Failure’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Actions shape a person’s reality; they should be chosen carefully and wisely.”                                   

         You have the possibility to choose ’Right Actions’    


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Religion is a gift of birth; politics complicate life; but friends’ complete life.”                                   

           You have the possibility to “Live Life in Full’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Let go of external prejudices and seek eternal perfection within yourself.”                                   

              You have the possibility to have ‘Perfection’

28 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The true strength of a person lies not in the absence of challenges, but in the courage to face them with grace.”                                   

           You have the possibility to have ‘Courage’

21 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Live the present moment with full awareness; this is the key to endless achievements of the future.”                                   

              You have the possibility to ‘Achieve’ 

14 -04-2024

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Upon attaining Moksha, the river of the soul’s existence merges into the eternal ocean of bliss.”                                   

           You have the possibility to meet ‘Ocean of Bliss’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spiritualism is the juncture where self-exploration meets the mysteries of the universe.”                                   

             You have the possibility to know the ‘Universe’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Meditation is to embrace the full spectrum of human experience with unconditional acceptance.”                                   

                You have the possibility to ‘Meditate’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Spirituality provides self-awareness and peace, which bring balance and happiness in life.”                                   

       You have the possibility to live ‘Balanced Life’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Expansion of knowledge can lead to self enhancement.”                                   

          You have the possibility of ‘ Self enhancement’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who maintains restraint in every situation has a peaceful mind.”                       

                You have the possibility to be at ‘Peace’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Distorted thoughts have a negative impact on life and cause a person to lose their self-respect.”                                                                                         

             You have the possibility to gain ‘Respect’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Uncontrolled expansion of desires frustrates the intellect and blocks the path to consciousness.”                                                                             

             You have the possibility to intensify ‘consciousness’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Steady body, calm mind, innocent intellect, awakened consciousness and clear soul are the qualities of meditation.”                                                 

            You have the possibility to ‘Meditate With Qualities’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Conclusion about oneself is the excellence of a person”

                You have the possibility to be ‘Excellent’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who knows the secret of birth understands life and behaves in Best Manner”

                  You have the possibility to be “Spiritual”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Man’s progress and his mental attitude are directly related and his attitude also makes him spiritual”

                You have the possibility to behave in ‘Best Manner’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Refinement keeps away from disorders and gives shape to life”

         You have the possibility to avoid “Disorders”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Acquisition of knowledge is a great wealth”

           You have the possibility to attain “Knowledge”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“That which is always there, is eternal and the search for it is spiritual quest”

              You have the possibility to know the “Eternal”



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“False words create a sense of guilt in the mind and also bring fear in life”

                You have the possibility to be ‘Fearless’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“When both happiness and sorrow seem meaningless, the feeling of Bliss starts emerging”

                  You have the possibility to experience ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The real search for salvation is the discovery of the unchangeable truth which is eternal and will remain forever”

                  You have the possibility to discover ‘Truth’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Seekers keep a check on mind to create harmony between desires and intellect and pave the way for consciousness”

    You have the possibility to pave the way for ‘consciousness’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Engaging self in good deeds is the core of spiritual lifestyle”

         You have the possibility to lead “Spiritual Life”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A satisfied person is detached from the world and attached to Self”

                   You have the possibility to be ‘Satisfied’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Prudent conduct is to know anything, person or situation without prejudice”

          You have the possibility to be ‘non-prejudiced’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Pure state of conscience can be achieved by turning away from Sensual Pleasures”

      You have the possibility for ‘Purification of Conscience’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Absolute knowledge is revealed in deep meditation”

     You have the possibility to gain ‘Absolute Knowledge’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Effortlessness is first step towards easy Meditation”

       You have the possibility to ‘Meditate Easily’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who acts contrary to nature creates obstacles in the path of the soul”

         You have the possibility to follow ‘Path of the Soul’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Soul is eternal, definite and completely conscious which can be known by living within oneself”

            You have the possibility to ‘Know The Soul’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“An enlightened person experiences the soul within and unites with the Supreme Soul”

     You have the possibility to unite with ‘Supreme Soul’

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is indulged in attachment wastes his life in possessing unnecessary thing.”

       You have the possibility to give up ‘Attachment’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A patient seeker can attain Samadhi in meditation.”

         You have the possibility to keep ‘Patience’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who behaves wisely, takes the path of truth and attains Bliss.”

           You have the possibility to attain “Bliss” 

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who Stays away from illusion and follows the truth, can attain ultimate knowledge.”

         You have the possibility to stay away from “Illusion” 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Darkness is lack of light and ineptness is lack of wisdom.”

             You have the possibility to gain ‘Wisdom’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who understands the importance of present enjoys happiness in the future.”

                You have the possibility to enjoy ‘Happiness’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who practices truth, experiences the feeling of bliss.”

       You have the possibility to ‘Experience Bliss’

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A spiritual person knows the ultimate by studying himself.”

         You have the possibility to know the ‘Ultimate’ 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who understands the meaning of waste makes his life meaningful.”

            You have the possibility to know the ‘Futile’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The seeker remains alert to the inner silence even in the noise outside.”

             You have the possibility to be ‘Alert’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Even the knowledge of the whole world cannot give perfection to one who does not know himself.”

      You have the possibility to achieve ‘Perfection’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The variance of thoughts affects the stability of behavior”

          You have the possibility to ‘Behave Stably’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The seeker of salvation is free from all other desires”     

        You have the possibility to attain ‘Moksha’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who considers experience as achievement misses the goal”     

          You have the possibility to achieve ‘Goal’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who minimizes thoughts, understands the essence of spirituality”

        You have the possibility to understand ‘Spiriruality’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Forgetting self-righteousness opens the way to sufferings and renunciation of self-righteousness leads to degradation”

         You have the possibility to follow ‘Self- righteousness’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“After understanding fickle mind, the one who does proper conduct has the wisdom of firm consciousness”

            You have the possibility to do ‘Proper Conduct’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is aware of place, time, cause and effect is the knower of nature”

             You have the possibility to know ‘The Nature’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Speaking Truth purifies speech and paves the way to Bliss”

                You have the potential to enjoy ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“To perceive temporary as eternal is Ignorance and knowledge of both falsehood and truth is True Learning.”

                 You have the possibility to ‘Learn’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Quality of the soul is to think about attaining salvation while being free from worries.”

                  You have the possibility to ‘Attain Salvation’

Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who manifests himself as he is from within is on the path of truth.”

              You have the possibility to take the path of ‘Truth’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A person devoted to his Resolution attains perfection in his journey.”

               You have the possibility to take ‘Resolution’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The knowledge that is spoken by words is self-pleasuring, world-friendly knowledge is manifested in conduct.”

                   You have the possibility to do ‘Good Conduct’       


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The one who relinquishes attachment and remains in own nature is a seeker of the ultimate”.

            You have the possibility to ‘Remain in Self’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Actions cannot be avoided, but wrong deeds can be checked by controlling the senses”.

             You have the possibility to ‘Control The Senses’



Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who is not aware of soul, leads life like an unconscious person”

             You have the possibility to know the “Soul”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Great success comes with self confidence”.

           You have the possibility to achieve “Success”. 


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One, whose body is not used to comforts and does not get disturbed even in pain, such a seeker attains Concentration very quickly”.

           You have the possibility to attain “Concentration”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“The bliss manifested by adoration and prayers needs no proof”

                You have the possibility to enjoy ‘Bliss’


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“One who knows the mind is endowed with wisdom and attains the Supreme by moving on the path of consciousness”

    You have the possibility to know the “Path Of Consciousness”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“He, who rises above attachment to worldly pleasures and knows himself, becomes entitled to the bliss of the soul.”

                       You have the possibility to know “Yourself”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A confused person does not attain stability and gets attracted to undesired and deviates from his path”.

You have the possibility to be “Free Of Confusion”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“A person without desires remains free of expectations and frees himself from bondage and does self-welfare.”

You have the possibility to be “Free Of Expectations”.


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Just as makeup of the reflection seen in the mirror does not beautify the body; same way, decorating the body cannot enhance purity of the soul.”

You have the possibility to “Purify The Soul”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul, 

“Just as a corrupt servant brings disrepute to his master, same way the lord of disobedient senses is deprived of consciousness.”

             You have the possibility to “Master the Senses”                         


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                                  “The knower of the Self, being stable in nature, does good deeds and attains the supreme position.”                                                                                You have the possibility to do “Good Deeds”                                                                     


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                             “One who understands that neither soul enjoys anything nor anyone can enjoy the soul, such a self-aware person is called a self-realized person”.                                                                                                                     You have the possibility of “Self-Realization”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                            “Loss of dear and necessary material does not imply that the person is finished same way, the one, who is aware that death of body is not the end of soul, is never afraid of death”.                                                                  You have the possibility to “Understand The Soul”


Today’s ‘Sambhav Sutra' Of 'Sambhav Dharma’

Dear Blissful Soul,                                                                                    “Just as the old disappears into the past when the new year arrives, similarly ignorance ends with the advent of self-realization and the path to knowledge is paved.”                                                                          “You have the possibility to move from Ignorance to Knowledge”

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